Strategic plan of Immunology Research Center
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (1394-1389)
Vision Mission statement SO WT Analysis Strengths (S)
Weaknesses (W)
List of opportunities (O)
List of Threats (T)
Goals Strategies
Objectives Vision
The ultimate goal of this center is to expand and develop research in order to train researchers, produce immunological products and diagnose diseases related to immunology in the northwestern region of the country.
· Mission Immunology
Research Center of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, as the largest research center in the field of immunology in the northwestern region of the country, tries to put the following axes at the forefront of its major responsibilities in the scientific development of the country:
A- Production of immunological products for the self-sufficiency of the country
2- Research in the field of herbal products for the treatment of cancer and immunological diseases
3- Collecting information and statistics related to immunological diseases in the region
4- Expansion of research in order to immunologically diagnose diseases, especially endemic diseases in the region
5- Research in the field of vaccination and immunotherapy
6- Expanding and interacting cooperation between research centers in the country and at the international level
- Training and empowerment of human resources in the field of immunology List of strengths (S)
1- High interest of researchers in immunology research
2- Existence of disciplines related to immunology
3- Existence of many patients related to immunology
4- Existence of immunology and allergy associations and communication with them
5- Existence of special immunology laboratories
6- Existence of a suitable geographical and genetic region for immunological studies
7- Existence of numerous research centers and their comprehensive cooperation
8- Existence of graduate students of national and international immunology of Aras branch List of weaknesses (W)
1- Problems of attracting specialized manpower (research expert)
2- Lack of suitable and sufficient space
3- Not allocating sufficient budget for the center
4- Insufficient equipment of laboratories
List of opportunities (O)
1- The only immunology research center in the northwest of the country
2- Financial support of charitable individuals and NGOs
3- Government financial support for research centers
4- The connection between immunology and most specialized fields
5- The need of hospital centers and patients for immunological laboratory fields to develop diagnosis
6- Existence of people interested in research related to immunology
7- Existence of postgraduate courses in immunology
List of Threats: (T)
1- Low research budget
2- Lack of independent organizational chart
3- Lack of attracting specialized human resources
4- Global attitude towards Iran
5- Low income of specialists
6- Existence of cumbersome regulations
7- Lack of independence of research centers
G1: Conducting basic, applied and clinical research in the field of immunology
G2: Training of human resources researcher in the field of immunology
G3: Efforts to attract the attention and cooperation of relevant research and executive centers in the country
G4: Scientific cooperation with immunology research and training centers of other countries and international organizations
G5: Equipping and optimizing research center laboratories and dedicated immunology laboratories for research activities Strategic
Objectives (SO)
1- Development of research related to immunology (in line with G1)
2- Increasing the absorption of student dissertations (in line with G2 and G1)
3- Focusing on the strategic plan developed for the future activities of the center (in line with G3
4- Using specialized forces and empowering them (in line with G2)
5- Registration of information of patients with immunodeficiency, autoimmunity, and allergies (in line with G2 and G4)
6- Development of methods for diagnosis and treatment of immunology-related diseases through research (in line with G3) Take advantage of opportunities to reduce
WO vulnerabilities
1- Reducing the educational load of the researcher faculty (in line with G1 and G2)
2- Increasing the absorption of funds for the development of research related to immunology (in line with G1 and G3
) 3- Creating the website of the center) in line with (G4, G3, G1
4- Identifying and attracting efficient manpower (in line with G3)
5- Supporting researchers to increase research motivation (in line with G2)
6- Increasing the skills of researchers and experts of the center (in line with G2)
7- Organizing applied research projects (in line with G1)
8- Development of laboratory equipment (in line with G1 and G5) ·
1- Active participation in the meetings of the Immunology Association (in line with G2 and G3)
2- Reviving the position of the researcher at the basic and clinical levels (in line with (G4, G3, G1)
3- Efforts to make the center independent (along the G4 and G5)
4- Development of activity axes of basic and clinical wards (in line with G1 and G2)
5- Reflection of the center's programs to other immunology research centers and officials (in line with G3 and G4) ·
1- Improving the quality of human resources of the research center (in line with G2)
2- Attracting efficient researchers in research (in line with G1 and G2)
3- Optimizing communication with other research centers (in line with G3 and G4)
4- Organizing the purchase of equipment and consumables of the research center (in line with G5)
5- Establishing a unit for communication with industry (in line with G1) · Ob1: Explain the organizational-administrative structure and axes of the center's future activities based on strategies until the end of 2011 1- Developing the strategic planning (SP) of the center and making it the center for the future activities of the center until the end of the fourth quarter of 1989
2- Creating and completing the center's website by the end of the third quarter of 1989
3- Public information about the start of operation of the center until the end of the third quarter of 1989
4- Equipping the center's laboratories by the end of 1990
5- Preparing educational and promotional pamphlets related to immunology during the 90s and later
6- Codification of internal regulations of the center in particular